19 October 2011

My Valentine Girls

Arvin is a novelist and has a deadline to beat for his next book- a trilogy of love stories. Here’s his problem: he is suffering from writer’s block. Enter her young sister, Mayi, who is desperate to find a girlfriend for her Kuya Arvin. Arvin has been loveless for quite a time and Mayi claims Arvin’s writer’s block is exactly because he has zero lovelife. Mayi starts setting Arvin up to meet girls who can be his potential girlfriends. Along the way, Arvin finally finds his stories…
SOULMATES. Oslec works as a taxi driver, the breadwinner of his family- a mother and a younger sister. Aia is high-end fashion stylist living on her own. The two are bound by fate one day after Aia’s car crashes into Oslec’s cab inside Aia’s subdivision. Surviving the crash without a scratch, Aia returns home and finds Oslec at the scene of the accident, lost and confused. Oslec confronts her and follows after Aia to her house only for Aia to realize that Oslec is now a ghost unable to go home. Oslec haunts Aia and begs her to get him home so he can find out how his family is coping with his death. Aia feels burdened and helps out the ghost. But along the way, they discover a deepening friendship and a blooming romance between two… soulmates.
BBF. Zach, a young lawyer, is in love with his best friend Andie, a marine biologist. He makes plans to propose to her on Valentine’s Day. During the date, Andie cuts off Zach’s proposal and tells him she does not want to explore anything beyond their friendship. Relationships ruin friendships, Andie believes. Andie instead introduces Zach to her other best friend, Ruby, who just got dumped by her fiancé on the same Valentine’s Day. Zach and Ruby hit it off and slowly fall for each other in the days that follow. When Andie realizes that Zach and Ruby have become a couple, she realizes that she is slowly losing Zach just the same. What happens next is a love triangle romantic entanglement that will test the boundaries of friendship and love…
GUNAW. An apocalyptic tale with ace comedienne Ivy, the last woman standing. Ivy convince Aidan that they have a mission to procreate because they are the only human left after a worldwide disaster. Will Aidan give in to Ivy for the sake of humanity?
Year: 2011

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