01 December 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

Bella is enjoying her new life and new powers, after the birth of their daughter, Renesmee. Soon, however, their family bliss is threatened again, by a new menace. Vampire Irina believes a child like Renesmee could challenge the power and existence of the Volturi. As Irina rallies the Volturi to destroy this potential threat, Bella and the Cullens - together with any allies they can assemble - are preparing to fight a crucial, ultimate battle, to protect their family.
(November 15, 2012)

Oh good God. I think I’ve got a lot of things to say but I don’t even know where to start. Movie plot? Characters? Actors? The big twist? Aaaaaaaahhh! I can’t. My emotions!!!!!!! But yeah I can manage. Here we go!
This is the last installment of the book Twilight series whatsoever. So let’s bid a farewell. Yay, I really don’t know where to start so be patient. Hahahaha! But clearly I’m amused with the outcome of the film. I didn’t see that one coming!
Since forever, kidding aside, my friend Patrick and I planned to watch it on the first  showing day and we did. Yey! Seriously I am soooo excited last night but not because I’m a fan of Rob and Kristen but because I’m a fan of the book itself and so maybe the film as well (take note: I think if Rob and Kristen wasn’t the lead I will still watch it but they did a good job so kudos! But I think they weren’t really the first choice). Anyway, I got really excited when we got into the cinema because come on it’s the last part, I’ve seen every installment on cinema so it’s quite of a big deal. Hahahaha! Okaaaaay enough with my sentiments and i’ll start talking about that god damn movie.
I like it, even if it gives me so much emotions. Okaaaay! I’ll talk about the characters first, well the main character Bella. Since when did Kristen Stewart become that gorgeous? I mean I never thought that she could be that beautiful (How many times did I say that? Ughhhh!! Nth time hahaha). Its just when the film roll and there was Bella, good god, wow! I’m speechless, how did they do that? Hahaha! Seriously if you compare Bella human to Bella vampire, you’ll be like “whoa” specially when they showed how awful she was carrying Renesmee (preggy moment - human) like “what?”. She really did a great job portraying a kick-ass mothafuckin vamps. While Edward, he’s such a cutie eversince but he’s changed also. I really hated his look on the first installment. Look at him now, oh god, he’s a perfect vampire, the way he smiles, aaaaaahhh!!! He’s very neat, cute and loving good looking vampire. I like how supportive he was to Bella (specially when Bella beats Jacob quite a bit). Its like Rob was born to portray Edward.
Finally!! I’ve got time to put up an entry about this fuckin movie!!! I know this is overrated, it seems that I’m a hater but I’m not. 
This is one book to movie adaptation that i would love to say what I usually say and that is the book was better but you know what? I can’t as the ending gives you more or less the Meyer version that is the book and you get director Bill Condon’s version as well that entwine quite well actually. So a two for one type ending is not a bad thing in a movie world that provides so little these days. The film starts pretty much where ‘Breaking Dawn Part 1’ left off.. Bella Swan-Cullen is dealing with two major life changing things in her life..1) Becoming a newborn vampire and 2) Becoming a mommy to a baby girl named Renesmee, who seems to, due to the fact that she is half vampire/half human, have powers of her own such as mind reading and levitation, she also has starting aging rapidly. So all these things considered she has to still come up with an idea on what to tell her dad Charlie who only thinks she is still ill from her and new beau Edward’s honeymoon trip. Needless to say a lot has gone on in short time in her life.
The Cullen family thanks to Alice are soon to find out that one of their cousins has seen Bella walking Renesmee, and her powers as she flies up to touch a falling snowflake, the cousin informs the powerful sect The Volturi of this new edition to the Cullen family with inquisitions and questions they all come looking for the Cullens. This sets off Alice and Jasper to find who they believe is the only other hybrid like Renesmee to hopefully avoid war with the Volturi.
Good God!!! That battle scene with the Cullens and The Volturi was mind blowing. That wasn’t supposed to happen, that really got me. After seeing Carlisle’s head cut off (man this movie is over), then Jasper and Seth (like what the fuck is going on), thanks to Alice for making that momentum, feelings of mine burst. Only to find out that was just a VISION!!!! Whoa! Wait what? Fuck you Alice (hahahaha kidding! Its just I’ve got full of emotions there). But yeah that was good. I love Aro’s squeal, he was sooo cute. Then the ending was perfect, really seriously! The scene where Bella showed Edward what she’s thinking (Aww!) and they played A Thousand Years Part 2 (that makes it perfect).
Okay enough with this. KBye! I’m still having those emotions after all these days. Hahahah! 
- D.✯

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