28 March 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.
(March 27, 2014)

If you've been watching the internet the last few weeks you may know that most journalists raved about Captain America : The Winter Soldier. And they were all right: the latest Captain America outing isn't only far better than part 1; I even dare to say that it's in the same league as Spider-Man 2 (2004) and X-Men 2 (2003). The Winter Soldier is spectacular in its action scenes and the chemistry between the hero (Chris Evans) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) is undeniable. One of the strengths of Captain America part 1 was the atmosphere: I loved the fact that it took place during World War II and therefor had some historical and nostalgic flavor. However, after the events of The Avengers it was clear that the second movie would take place in modern day America. How could the makers maintain the same mood and spirit of The First Avenger? Well, directors John and Anthony Russo both succeed in that. Without giving away too many spoilers you can say that The Winter Soldier uses a lot of the elements that was presented to us in the first movie. Hydra returns for example - and does that in a very big way. Another important character from part 1 comes back to haunt Steve Rogers. There are actually so many things from the first movie that I would recommend you'd watch that one first before you see this new movie. The story of The Winter Soldier centers on SHIELD. Steve Rogers and Nick Fury discover that the organization is compromised and must find out who's behind all this. In the meantime Rogers meets the mysterious and powerful Winter Soldier, who not only kills one of his colleagues but also seems to have a familiar face. But who is he? Looks like the only one he can trust is Natasha Romanoff. Luckily he also befriends an ex-soldier called Sam Wilson (The Falcon), who turns out to be a big help. From the first action scene involving a big ship to the last battle between Captain America and the Winter Soldier this movie will hold you in a tight grip. Some of the fight scenes even reminded me of The Raid – and yes, that's meant as a compliment. Can I give away one small spoiler or two? Two of the best scenes in the movie are Steve Rogers visiting an exhibition of himself (both funny and moving) and his meeting with his old love, Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell with lots of make-up). These scenes give this great action flick a true heart. (Credits to the writer)

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